Tuesday, March 19, 2019

2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 272

2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 272

Sensor supply voltage 8.5 V too high

Diagnostic conditions

The control unit initially tests internal function sequences when the ignition is switched on (terminal 15). If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are

then tested and any faults are stored.

- Ignition on

- The following fault is not detected: P0563

Possible fault causes

- Line between speed sensors and PDK control unit faulty

- Speed sensor 1 faulty

- Speed sensor 2 faulty

- PDK control unit faulty

Fault setting conditions

- Sensor supply voltage < 7 V

Fault effects

- Transmission limp-home indication in instrument cluster control unit



Diagnosis information - Control unit DME (DFI)

Oxygen sensing adaptation Bank 1: System too lean

Diagnostic conditions

- Short test


- Lambda control Active

- Lambda control taught

- Engine temperature > 60 锟斤拷C (锟斤拷F)

- Intake air temperature < 80 锟斤拷C (锟斤拷F)

- Engine running > 45 Second(s), at:

- Engine speed < 800 1/min

- then Trip with different operating conditions, at:

- Engine speed 1,060 rpm ... 2,490 rpm

Possible fault causes

- Exhaust system leaks (Engine --> Oxygen sensor in front of catalytic converter)

- Exhaust system Narrowed / Blocked

- Injection valve Faulty (Mechanical fault)

- Timing incorrectly set

- Fault in area Fuel high-pressure, Intake manifold pressure sensor, Throttle adjusting unit, Ambient pressure sensor, Intake air temperature

sensor, Speed sensor, Valve lift control, Camshaft adjustment

Fault setting condition(s)

- Opposed adaptation values in connection with misfires indicate that the timing is out of adjustment.

(positive deviation --> enrich)


Diagnosis should indicate a positive deviation of more than 30% (3.5 mg/stroke in the range near idle) of the lambda control adaptation.



Diagnosis information - Control unit DME (DFI)

Oxygen sensing adaptation Bank 1 : System too rich