Sunday, June 23, 2019

Will Britain Be Allowed To Leave The EU?

Brexit means the 'British Exit' from the European Union. Brexit supporters believe in national sovereignty; in an independent, self-governing, democratic Britain with borders. Moreover, for the people within those borders to make their own laws and culture. They derive deep pleasure and satisfaction in being British, love Britain, and believe they should have every right to be proud of and protect their history and heritage. They want freedom of speech, freedom from political correctness, and an end to mass immigration from the Third World. The greatest fear of the cosmopolitan elites of Europe is that the British leaving the EU will lead to other nations going as well. They are determined to stop Brexit at all costs. The EU is a conspiracy of glitterati, comprised of social engineers who deny that ordinary people should have political power and a say in the life of their countries. The EU is determined to regulate all aspects of the daily lives of the 513 million souls who live in its member states.

Black Iphone 5 Beside Paper0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Thank you so much, John Harper, for sharing my article on your Facebook page. I am humbly honored that you did so, my friend. Payroll taxes of FICA WILL NO LONGER BE applied individually and recorded and accumulated for the individual. Great article James, reposted it to my FB pages. I have yet to have an explanation how Payroll taxes, AKA FICA can be embedded in the fair tax. Payroll taxes of FICA as opposed to withholding are applied individually and recorded and accumulated for the individual. The purpose is to determine what benefits will inured to the individual. How is this going to be accomplished with FAIR TAX? Don't get me wrong, I like anything that gets rid of the 16th amendment. Yes, it also eliminates the great fraud of corporate taxation. The elimination of corporate taxes means that the price of goods and services will drop drastically because competition will force the lowering.

One economist said that almost 1/2 of the price of a new car is actually hidden corporate taxes, so the FairTax would cause the retail price of a new car to drop by almost half. The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) recently released a report entitled “Overview of the Tax Gap.” The tax gap is the difference between taxes paid and taxes owed, and this gap can exist for a few reasons. Taxpayers may report less than their full tax liability on their return (underreporting), pay less taxes than owed (underpayment), or simply not file a tax return at all (non-filing). The IRS estimates that, between tax years 2008 and 2010, the U.S. 447 billion, in 2016 dollars. The annual net tax gap is lower because that number is adjusted for late payments and payments due to enforcement. Overall, the voluntary compliance rate was 81.7 percent, while the net compliance rate was 83.7 percent.

SCOTUS says it is a federal matter whenever the government says it is a federal matter. The FairTax rate after necessities is 23% compared to combining the 15% income tax bracket with the 7.65% of employee payroll taxes under the current system -- both of which will be eliminated! The political solution was to confiscate the people's gold and silver and then put us on a 100% fiat system. 21,000,000,000,000 debt that can never be paid off, so look for a major upheaval in the future. The Income Tax would allow the government to dynamically fund any increase that it needed to expand government. The diversity and multiculturalism so dear to the left actually has a very sinister goal. 4000 a year, to be 'fair.' The biggest loser there would be Western Civilization, obviously. U.N. of the leadership of the E.U. As soon as the results were known, the ruling classes of Britain and Europe went to work to undermine the clear will of the British People. Brexit would never happen. European Union member states do.

Love the cultural meaning of shoe throwing and the picture to go along with it. I do remember when this happened. I thought it was pretty odd at the same time, it was funnier than hell to watch. Thanks, Cheeky Girl and mythbuster. I suppose the yarn is up there permanently. Good question, though, never thought of that. I appreciate you both taking the time to comment. Never heard of this before. Why not. If the shoe fits the face you hate, throw it, I say. I am kidding. But I am smiling at this and it is a strange but funny hub here. And er, no, I am not a Democrat. Near where I live it used to be possible to see the odd pair of trainers hanging on a Phone line. Yes the drug thing is a possible connection here too. Or just kids who are bored. The Knitta thing is interesting. How does one "launder" the knitta exactly? Must be up there permanently. Cheers for an unusual hub. Ha ha, could be, onegoodwoman. Thanks for stopping by!