Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Innovative Advertising Campaign

Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some new action. Among the 4Ps of marketing, the last P stands for Promotion which is the process of reaching the target market and convincing them to go out and buy the product. Advertising is one of the important tools of promotion. The marketing mix has been the key concept to advertising. In the same way the advertising campaign which are used by the Volkswagen innovate the new strategies to advertise the product. The case examines the marketing strategies of Volkswagen India, the Indian subsidiary of German automobile manufacturer, Volkswagen AG (Volkswagen). Volkswagen (VW) is one of the world鈥檚 leading automobile manufacturers and the largest carmaker in Europe. As Volkswagen pursues its goal of becoming the number one automaker in the world by 2018, India has become a key component of its strategy. India is currently the world鈥檚 second fastest growing car market, with shipments expected to more than double by 2018. As a relatively recent entry into the Indian automotive market, VW needed to raise brand awareness. To address this challenge, Volkswagen鈥檚 marketing team focused one of its key brand pillars, innovation, to make a strong impact throughout the roll-out in India. Innovation was showcased not only in Volkswagen鈥檚 product introductions, but also in its communications and advertising. This case study is the qualitative approach to analyse and study the strategies of advertising of Volkswagen India.

For those people who want to buy something cheaper with comfort and are ready to sacrifice on features like parking assist, sun roof, power steering, etc, can go for models that are around the 10 lakhs rupees range. Therefore, it is advisable that the customers get to review the Volkswagen Vento price in India and the Volkswagen Jetta price in India. By doing so, people have certain advantages in their favour. If the Volkswagen Jetta price in India is compared in different cities, or even different showrooms or outlets, one can get the information about any lower prices or offers. To attract the customers, many of the dealers are trying to give them reductions in the overall cost of the vehicles. Sometimes they also extend free insurance coverage or give out gifts worth some thousands of rupees. These amounts can be quite large in some cases, particularly in cities where the taxation is somewhat relaxed. In such scenarios, people can have a huge benefit if they find during comparisons that they can avail of the different Volkswagen models at comparatively cheaper rates.

Since 1970s Germany has shown a stable currency and as a result 聳 a strong economic growth. Besides, Germany has united a competitive market economy with partnership with other countries that became an important fact of economic prosperity and stability. However, globalization brings new changes in the economic life of this country challenging all the achievements. Nowadays globalization demands more flexibility changing the global economy and the economy of every state. Competition at the global market is becoming more intensive and severe bringing new task to companies and, thus, to people. In general, Germany is a stable country with a tradition of low inflation, goof industry and high employment level. However, there are structural changes in the labor market, shifts in the production and employment. All these changes are not caused by globalization as it just intensifies already existing problems. Wages in German are high in comparison to other countries that make German companies use every opportunity to hire workers abroad putting pressures on German employment sector. Nowadays globalization has reached a new level in its development.

Its influence poses a threat to the Germany industry as Germany companies place their manufacturing and production lines abroad. Germany, a country famous for its car manufacturers and engineers, does not have essential base within the country. For example, Volkswagen Company is going to reduce the number of working places in the native country or, as alternative, to reduce the salary amount. This question is raised due to the coming job cut at Opel Company owned by General Motors. While large car companies continue working, smaller companies does not meet the global competition and disappear. In general, there is a tendency in the German industry in companies reduction due to high competitive conditions. Nearly every week one company announces its closing while the plants of large companies are built abroad in low-salary states. There is the only result of such 聭changes 聳 unemployment at the native country. Germany, being one of the leaders in exporting goods, for instance, cars, faces the challenge of its doubtful status exporting jobs abroad. Besides, Siemens employ more workers abroad than at home.