2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo (970) V8-4.8L Turbo A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC ): P Code Charts Page 587
Internal function test completed.
Diagnostic conditions
The PAS control unit initially tests internal function sequences after wake-up. If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are then tested and any faults
are stored.
Wake-up of the control unit by:
- Event-controlled CAN message
- Key contact (terminal S)
- Ignition ON
Possible fault causes
- No power supply of the control unit
- Incorrect coding of the control unit
- Short circuit or open circuit in CAN network
- Control unit faulty (in most cases, faulty coding is the cause and not the control unit)
Fault effects
- Communication no longer possible via the CAN bus
- The control unit is no longer addressable for all other control units
Diagnosis information - Control unit DME (DFI)
Monitoring Crash signal
Diagnostic conditions
- Engine start
Possible fault causes
- Drive link test Airbag
- Engine switch-off, at:
- Accident detection
Diagnostic information - CAN
Communication with control unit not possible
Internal function test completed.
Diagnostic conditions
The PAS control unit initially tests internal function sequences after wake-up. If they are OK, all diagnosable outputs are then tested and any faults
are stored.
Wake-up of the control unit by:
- Event-controlled CAN message
- Key contact (terminal S)
- Ignition ON
Possible fault causes
- No power supply of the control unit
- Incorrect coding of the control unit
- Short circuit or open circuit in CAN network
- Control unit faulty (in most cases, faulty coding is the cause and not the control unit)
Fault effects
- Communication no longer possible via the CAN bus
- The control unit is no longer addressable for all other control units