Sunday, June 23, 2019

How To Hide Your Profile On Match Dating Site So No One Can See It

If you are on are the dating site Match you probably know that your profile, when published is in plain view for all of the world to see. Any one, whether they are a member on match or not can view your profile and your primary photo. If they are a member, and have signed in to Match, they can view all of your secondary photos as well. If you are concerned about keeping your profile public, you can easily remove your Match user profile from public view. In other words, only you will be able to see your profile when you are logged in. No one else will be able to see it. You might want to do this if you have met that wonderful girlfriend or boyfriend and no longer need your user profile to be out where anyone can see it. You might along take your profile down to simply because you need a break from online dating. Regardless of your reason, taking your user profile down on match is pretty easy. You will not need special codes to hide your profile or any internet voodoo to make your information invisible.

The article I have written below will take you through the steps so that you can take your Match profile down easy. The first step is to simply sign in to your Match dating site account. Go ahead and log-in. OK, look on you computer screen. On the upper right side you should see a picture of yourself (your profile picture if you posted one) My guess is this will just be a generic icon if you do not have a picture posted. Go ahead and click this. 1. "Visible" Visible keeps your profile visible to the world 100% of the time. 2. "Hidden" Hidden hides your profile. In other words, your profile is invisible to everyone except for you. Step 5 Hide It! I Use Plenty of Fish Too - Can I Hide Profile? Click above link to learn this handy tip for this free internet dating site. OK, at this point, you are not going to be sure what to do.

You have already clicked the radio button next to "Hidden" Shouldn't there be a "Save" button or "Apply Settings" button or something? Nah. They don't offer any more choices here. Just click the "Hidden" radio button on the screen and then exit the screen however you want. I just went back to my user home page. The hidden setting will remain and your profile will officially be taken down out of the view of the world. Can You Block a Specific Specific User? How Do I Keep a Certain Person From Contacting Me on Match? What Happens to My Information? It is all still there and you can view it or update it at anytime. Just because you have taken down your Match profile doesn't mean that it no longer exists. All of your interests, favorite hot spots and other relationship compatibility stuff is still there, it is just that the world can not see it. You can always make your profile public again at any time. Having a Problem Logging Off Match? Your Match Account Always Showing Open?

Is your Match account always look like you are active even though you haven't logged in for days or even weeks? I might know the problem. Check out this link to my Pinterest Page and follow to my post. Finding that someone special is tough but sometimes getting away from suitors, girlfriends, boyfriends, stalkers, and well intentioned people can be tough. As far as Match goes, this will certainly make your personal information hard to find and will afford you some internet privacy when it comes to your online relationships. Thank for checking out this article. Good luck in searching for love! Have a Sleep Over Your Last Night Out? Is Ellis William Penn One Of the Best Coffees ? Ellis Coffee Company has been around since the 1800's. They are based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They produce coffee for many restaurants and industries in the Pennsylvania and Delaware areas. Date Night Movie or ? Up in The Air I thought was a pretty cool film for both a guy or woman. Anyway, this film is not for everyone but it might be right for you (and that someone special) Check out my review and see what you think.

I hope you will. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. There are still now clear instructions on how to hide your profile? This should be a fundamental right after paying a subscription. I have met someone and don't know yet how it will work out. I want to hide my profile for now until I am sure either way. I am not sure what could be happening there. Hi. How come after I've chose hidden, it keeps going back to visible? I don't get why. I tried to look at someones profile, then check, and it was still hidden initially. What I am doing that could cause it to keep going visible? Thanks for stopping by bachsmom !