Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Mods And Repairs: Are Volkswagen's Expensive To Repair?

I'M considering purchasing a 2005 Jetta GL. A little nervous about the online reviews. Yes, they are VERY expensive and difficult to maintain. They're over-engineered junk. Its sad really because it they didn't fall apart they'd be great cars. The mk5 is a GREAT car. In terms of reliability, it is the best so far, and honestly, I don't have high hopes for the 2011s now out, they look cheap. Its like all average cars, nothing expensive nothing chipper. The point its for my personal experience with Vw its last long, have excellent fuel mileage, if you due maintenance properly you practically don,t need repairs. I take it you are in the USA ? If you source a car made in Germany you will have few problems. The cars you normally get a Brazilian or Mexican and seem to be plagued with problems hence some of the adverse comments you receive. All car parts are expensive its just some are more expensive than others, VW seem to fall into the latter category.

VW bus expert advice please? I am looking to buy a Vw bus. I need a car that wlll run well but I do not mind learning how to work on it and investing in a few new parts. I currently have zero mechanical knowledge however and if you could tell me how good a deal this is and what else it probably needs done I would be extremely grateful. Has roof rack for 2 bikes. This bus has lots of storage and hanging space. Have checked milage on trips and it gets a steady 18 mpg. This is a bus that is ready to go. Photos of engine, interior and exterior. Too old. Don't do it. You better not mind working on it, because that will happen a lot. Unless you have a history of driving VW bus, it is very different than just a mid-size sedan. VWs go to specialty shops (after you get tired of trying to fix it). That can cost you up to twice as much as most other cars.

Unless you have a great feel for the road and drive accordingly, they are not safe on winter roads and curves. I've owned 2 VW buses and loved them. This one looks a little rough, and will need the canvas replaced, and a good paint job. 2000 for quality work. It does look like a good deal for a project car, but I wouldn't use it as a daily driver until it has been gone through and everything checked. The buses are very unique to drive, you sit on top of the front wheels, so it feels weird when you turn. Also being that they are very tail heavy, any cross wind will cause the front to move, A LOT. They also do not have a lot of power for climbing hills or accelerating very fast. I do believe this one is worth the asking price, if you are willing to put more into it.

There are pros and cons with any older vehicle that you might be considering and VW vans are no exception. A 71 is certainly getting up there age wise so if you are seriously considering it? I would definitely get it checked out very thoroughly before you you buy it. They can be a lot of fun to drive and they certainly are becoming rare. It's an old vehicle, it WILL need work PERIOD. Did I mention that it's grossly underpowered? Earlier models weren't as safe as the later ones (82 on) They don't do so well in a crash. Most all camper versions are pretty much "fair weather" campers, they can be either really really hot or really really cold unless they're extensively modified for climate extremes. O.K. so now you have a lot more info. Try not to make an emotional decision, try and find a good shop or mechanic that might be willing to teach you how to care for your VW, get as much information as you possibly can.