Sunday, June 23, 2019

Now Three Years Later

Back in 2015, McLaren revealed the MP4-X concept - its vision for how the Formula One racer of the future could (or maybe should) look. Now three years later, it’s dusted off the design and revised it in the form of the X2. Bearing no relationship with the BMW crossover of the same name, the McLaren X2 closes both the cockpit and the wheels - two hallmarks of F1 design. The result is an entirely more aerodynamic form that would also seek to better protect the driver, both from debris already flying and from creating the same. With the X2, Woking envisions not only recuperative electric power from the brakes and engine heat, but from inductive charging built into the track. It also (theoretically) integrates ultra-thin batteries into the crash structure, and solar panels built into the bodywork. It’d have even more extreme active aerodynamic elements as well, with downforce actually turned into plasma for further energy recovery. Even within the closed cockpit, the McLaren X2 envisions harnessing the driver’s brain waves to control essential functions intuitively, augmented by holographic displays and gesture control. It’d also monitor the driver’s levels of fatigue and hydration, as well as tire ware and other parameters in an altogether more advanced electronic ecosystem. And it’d employ memory-impregnated materials to bounce back to form in the event of a crash - all decked out in the Papaya Orange the team has embraced anew from its considerable heritage.

This allows for the ligaments and the muscles of your neck to control the posture of your head better and giving better support in case of an accident. Make sure you have the distance between seat and the pedals so that when operating the pedals this does not cause you to over strech your legs or twist your body in any way. Thus your legs should not be straight when pushing the throttle or clutch all the way down. Obviously your knees should not be bend to the point you cannot easily move from one pedal to another. It is normally advised to have your knees bend about 45 degrees. Your arms should be as relaxed as possible, elbows bend around 20-30 degrees. If your steering wheel is adjustable have it in the mid to lower position (make sure the wheel does not partially obstruct the instrument panel), this will help to reduce the stress on your shoulders.

Your hands should be positioned at '10 past10' and not as is suggested left hand at 9 o'clock and right hand at 3 o'clock. If your seat has armrests then it is advised to use these. As a guidance you should position the armrests so that they gently support the elbows, any more will cause the shoulders to rise and increase the change of straining your neck. These should only be adjusted once you have positioned your seat as described above. If not sure then please revisit the information again how to adjust your seat. The mirrors should be adjusted to allow you to freely look into them without the need of having to move your head much. This sound great in theory but for most of us this may be akward whilst driving. For those who have electric seats it is easier (although it always advicable to stop first), just reach for the buttons to adjust the seat without the need to take our attention of the road. It is said that you should be doing this every 30 mins. This allows to change the pressure that is placed on the spine is varied regularly. Once arrived at your destination it would be good to strech! We all have seen the 'take a break' sign along the roads, helping you to avoid falling asleep behind the wheel. Taking a break helps your back as well, so when you need to take a rest you can have a strech at the same time to help your back. An hour maximum is the current thinking, although these tips should be taken as a general rule. This is a good time to adjust your seating position!

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