Sunday, June 23, 2019

Parkers New Car Awards 2019

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Since my husband started working for a car magazine, he has become a petrol-head and its driving me crazy. When he comes home from work, all he talks about is cars, when we go shopping he buys car magazines and when we watch movies, it all about cars! But one good thing did come out from working for a car magazine; he was invited to attend the annual awards ceremony. The best part is, he gets to take a guest with him and he chose me. My memorable moment was when the Volkswagen Scirocco won the Sports Car category, that's only because we are owners of a used Volkswagen Scirocco and we are very proud. Volkswagen always delivers highly competitive whole-life costs thanks to its purchase prices and running costs through fixed price servicing. This was the basis of its recent 'Unbelievable Value' and 'True Life Costs' advertising campaigns which demonstrate the high value proposition of its vehicles.

You start off on the tee, and each player hits his/hers tee shot. The team decides what shot was the best, and everyone plays their next shot from this point on the golf course. This goes on until the ball is in the hole. You essentially get four shots from the same place. In a golf outing, low round is declared the winner. For two-man game in a foursome, you can play low round and low hole similar to the doubles scoring. Variations on scramble include, minimums for using each players ball on the tee or putting. For example, you have to use each player's ball off the tee a minimum of 3 times. Aggregate score of doubles partners, with low score winning the hole. Low individual score wins the hole for the partners. Use both methods for 2 points per hole. Variation on scoring: If a birdie wins the hole doubles the number of points. If an eagle wins the hold quadruples the number of points.

6-pack method - Every six holes switch partners, everyone in the foursome plays with everyone else in the foursome. Vegas - Partners change every hole based on the position of the balls. The two golf balls on the left are partners against the two golf balls on the right. Same partner throughout the round. Partners are picked based on golf ability. This one is pretty simple. At the beginning of the round, pick three golf clubs from your bag which become the only clubs you can use the entire round. Strategy here is to pick a low iron, a mid iron, and maybe your putter. Or pick your three wood and use it as your putter. The game helps you think about managing your way around the golf course and being creative with your golf shots. Play your normal round of golf, but when you get on the green you can either putt for the flag. OR you can putt over where the hole USED to be. It's fun for people that cannot chip that well. If you miss the flag and have a 20 foot putt to the flag, look around for a former hole and putt over that.

You can slavage a couple bad shots with a Stinky par or a stinky birdie. In the matter of honors on the next tee box a normal par or bogey takes precedent over a stinker. Ok, here's one that I don't think you can play in the middle of the round, and I'm pretty sure if the golf marshall sees you do this, you'll be kicked off of the course. What was the last fun game you played on the golf course? What's your favorite golf game you play? Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Great idea. Play different games on the golf course to keep it fresh and challenging. Bingo Bango Bongo is a great one too!