Sunday, June 23, 2019

Top 16 Free, High PR, Easy To Submit RSS Feeds To Build Article Traffic

Writing a creative, informative and helpful article or hub is pointless if you don’t get any traffic going to it. That is why you need a free, quick and easy traffic building plan to attract readers. From my research, automating or auto submitting your articles can be disastrous as you risk spamming issues and placing your links to places considered to be link farms by Google. Once Google computes that your article is on a link farm, you might as well consider your future readership to be a big, fat zero. Whenever I have used automated backlink systems, I end up having to change the title of the article and developing a whole new URL to fix the damage I have done. Then, I am still left with promoting the article the right way. As you can imagine, the extra time put in to fix the auto submission problem wastes time and costs valuable ad revenues. Most of us want to manage our time between writing innovative, high quality articles and building some traffic to it so readers can find it.

What I try to do is spend about 3 to 4 hours writing a good article that I think will be of interest and then spend about one hour promoting it. If it is promoted properly, I can expect long term traffic. Over time, Google indexes my article with many keywords and I receive natural traffic through sharing and backlinks created by the readers themselves. My Blog Traffic Sucks! I generally use a five prong approach to promoting my freshly written article. The approaches I use do not take longer than one hour per article. Providing one hour of time is a small investment given the time and efforts put into writing a creative, high quality article in the first place. First, I create about 10 backlinks to good quality, do follow sites. If you are looking for high quality backlinks, have a look here, here, here and here. Second, I ping my freshly written article on some free ping sites.

You can find a list of where you can ping your articles free here. Third, I group my hub so interested readers can read another angle. Hubpages has put out a good article on how to group your hubs by category here. Fourth, I submit my hubs to Bing and Yahoo as these two sites index faster whenever I do a manual submission for some reason. Finally, I do a Feed on the RSS Feed Directories that are well ranked by Google. Creating a feed seems to speed up the indexing of your article and provides another valuable backlink to boot. All these approaches applied in unison seem to give me a solid 50 plus hits per day per article on average over the long haul. Before you can submit your article to the feeds, you may need to create a feed URL. The fastest and easiest way I have found to do this is to use feedburner.

Feedburner is a Google creation that keeps track of my feed results. I usually stick to one feed creator as it makes it easier for me to keep track of which feeds I have created and sent out. On Average, how much traffic do you get per article? Less than 10 hits a day -- Time to promote! Over 51 hits per day -- Good going! You can submit RSS feeds to the top 16 ranked RSS directories listed below by following each link. The RSS directories below are free to submit. Each RSS directory is ranked according to Google Page Rank (PR), Alexa Rank, Ease of Submission, and Popularity. This feed needs a login account which is free to create. This feed needs a login account which is free to create. I hope that these feed directories serve you well in gaining traffic to your high quality, freshly written articles.

May you continue to write excellent hubs and have a free and easy plan to promote each one of them! Getting Traffic for Your ArticlesHow to restructure your Hubs for Higher HP Ratings and more web Traffic. Getting Traffic for Your ArticlesHow can I get more traffic to my hubs on Hubpages? What is the best way to drive pageviews? Getting Traffic for Your ArticlesIncrease Your Traffic - How to Add Your Hubpages Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools? I think this hub should be updated because some of the websites are not workinh anymore. Nice list. All sites of this list is working properly. I found your site in search engine "google". Thanks for sharing such a good and free list of rss feed ! I like all the tips really helpful for me. How does the recent google deindexing of link directories factor into this, many links were dropped this update.