Sunday, June 23, 2019

Archeologists Prove The First Americans Were Black!

Clava Cairns, Inverness, Scotland, burial site, prehistoric, cemetery, sign
We've been told for hundreds of years that, basically, all black people on the North and South American continents, arrived as, non-voluntary captive passengers, on slave ships. But, that history may have to be rewritten, after what, archeologists found, deep in the jungles of Brazil. In the jungles of Brazil an important and surprising site was found, a prehistoric rock shelter with thousands of strange pictographs and paintings. Human skeletons that aren’t European or Indian were also found. Archeologist dated the remains to the ice age. These people were in the Americas before the “native” Americans. Archeologists found fragments of bone and charcoal that were 50000 years old. Next to the charcoal they found the remains of animals these people had eaten. So it seems the “new” world was populated thousands of years before the arrival of the Indians. Human skulls were found that were 9-12000 years old, the oldest skulls in the Americas. Computer analyses by established scientific measurement on the oldest of the skulls, to determine the race of skull, revealed the skull was anything but Indian (Native American).

So are native Americans the first Americans? The shape and dimensions of skull, and the face that was reconstructed from it, show it to be the face of a black woman, descended from Australian aborigines. Forensic artist, Richard Neave, from the University of Manchester, UK, who performed the facial reconstruction for the skull, he named it Lucia, stated that the result was surprising: "It has all the features of a negroid face," said Dr Neave. Just so there no confusion about what negroid means. In other words, Black people. North America, dubbed, the "Kennewick Man", which was dated to be around, 9000 years old. I guess at this point, (unless further evidence comes in), this answers the question are Native Americans the first Americans, in the negative. I’ll end by saying that, in relation to the term Native American, anyone born in the United States or the Americas, is by definition, a Native American.

Negroes In America Before Columbus! Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I owe you an apology. On a previous hub mentioning Lucia, I suggested that you look up the Olmecs. Then I found this one. I'm so glad that my suggestion is superfluous. The Olmecs fascinate me, but you are the first one I've read to mention that they were Australian aborigines. The articles I read previously supposed them to be of African origin. People just can't let go that life may have spontaneously originated elsewhere than Africa. Thanks for your interesting input Truth! Chatters dismisses this idea, noting that in the current study, “We’re not looking at an ancestor-descendent relationship here necessarily. The researchers were looking at common heritage, not, trying to prove who were the first inhabitants of the Americas. It would be unfair for me to not also share this. When the DNA of various modern Indigenous American tribes were analyzed there were three in the study that were found to be of Australian aboriginal decent. While the earliest skulls found in America do appear similar to modern Africans, the DNA evidence extracted from them shows otherwise. You're right about the term Native American though; which is why many prefer Indigenous Americans or Indigenous People of America. The truth always hurts, I guess that's why we have for thousands of years been feed misinformation. 5 years ago from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. Very interesting. One thing I do not get is why they have to come from anywhere else. Seems like with 50,000 years being understood that it would not necessarily show that they did not evolve right there in Brazil. Thanks for a great read.

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Like the aforementioned Glyptodon, Gigantopithecus became extinct just 10,000 years ago! It’s been suggested that the tales told by various cultures around the world about giant bipedal ape-like creatures, are actually convincing evidence that Gigantopithecus may have been more abundant and spread out than previously thought. Next time someone inquires if Bigfoot exists tell them he ‘existed’ in the form of the mighty Gigantopithecus! If you’re familiar with snakes at all, you’re most certainly aware of the incredible Anaconda who measures a staggering 15 ft. That sounds big, right? Allow me to blow your mind. Titanoboa, was a 50 ft. 2,000 lb serpent that looked like a boa constrictor but hunted like a crocodile! At one time, Titanoboa was likely the largest non-marine creature living on earth. It’s no secret that turtles are awesome. They live forever, have cool decorative shells, and are gentle creatures for the most part. As big as some modern sea turtles may be; they’ve got nothing on Archelon(“ruler turtle”). They’re the largest genus of sea turtles ever documented and lived 66 million years ago.

Archelons were massive, weighing up to 4,850 lbs and measuring 13 ft long from flipper to flipper. For comparison's sake, the largest modern sea turtle is the “Leatherback” whose measurables include 6 ft in length without the ability to hide in their shells, they were essentially an easy target for larger predators. That being said, wouldn’t it be fun to ride on the back of an Archelon? The ancestor of most of the bears around today, the Short-faced bear ruled North America and were most abundantly found in the state of California. The name speaks for itself, as this bear had a disproportionately short snout compared to other bears at the time. Scientists consider them to be one of the largest mammalian carnivores to ever exist. Would bear spray work on one of those? I think not, given the dimensions of this burly beast; The Short-faced bear weighed up to 2,100 lbs, stood 10 ft tall on its hind legs, and reached a height of 6 ft. Another unique physical trait of these bears were their unusually long legs. These legs allowed them to chase down their prey at speeds of 30-40 mph! It’s amazing that these husky animals were able to chase down speedy wild horses and antelopes with relative ease! The Short-faced bears were nothing short of incredible. What do you remember? Which creature listed is your favorite?