Sunday, June 23, 2019

History Of American Towns

VOLKSWAGEN, escala 1/18Prophetstown is named for Wabokieshiek (White Cloud) a medicine man known as “the Prophet.” And also friend and adviser to Chief Black Hawk. Born in 1794 he presided over the village known as “prophet’s village” on the Rock River. He was half Winnebago (Ho-Chunk) and half Sauk and had great influence over both tribes. When Black Hawk’s lieutenant, Neopope, went to Canada to consult with the British authorities in regard to retaining the land on the Rock River, he stopped at the Prophet’s village on his return. He stayed the winter and told White Cloud of his mission. White Cloud was known for his cruelty and hostility to Americans and he it saw as an opportunity to make trouble for the White man. These reports added to Neopope’s false reports from the British and induced Black Hawk to start the war that bears his name. Keokuk one of the S auk leaders is said to have blamed the Prophet for all the trouble.


After the war White Cloud was captured along with Black Hawk and lived in obscurity afterward. The town has stuck in my mind because the old VW Camper we had was having engine problems. We were offered help by several people including the local police officer. The trouble with these old VW’s is that so many people think they know about them but usually don’t. However, they did help us find an accommodating motel. We had a German Shepherd/border collie mix dog and not all motels are ready to accommodate them. Since we were really not too far from home a neighbor came out to get us and I had the VW towed to a Volkswagen garage in Rock Island. The name of the town stuck in my mind. Who was the prophet? The city, located in Whiteside County, IL. 2000. Prophetstown State Park is on the northeast edge of the city along the south bank of the Rock River in Whiteside County.

The area is used for camping, nature trails picnicking, fishing and hunting. At one time 14 Indian villages were there. The downtown features a series of historical murals and Eclipse Square Park has a selection of interesting stores and dining possibilities. In about the fifth grade one of the nuns thought I should do more reading. I recall her taking me down to the school library and picking books she thought I would enjoy. Colonel Davenport for whom the City of Davenport, Iowa was named was born in Lincolnshire, England in 1783. At seventeen he became a sailor on a merchant ship and for three years visited several places. Everyone seemed to be driving the Volkswagen bug in the 1960s. I resisted the trend, partly because I don't like to be a follower and I didn't consider it practical. IllinoisPictures of Rock Island U.S. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account.

0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. You are definitely in Blackhawk country.There is a lot around there that you should find interesting. Having spent most of my life in the Midwest I sort of take a certain amount of Indian presence for granted.The town I wrote about here i a pleasant little place but not very big. By the way, I just finished reading a book titled "Wicked River the Mississippi" I forgot the name of the author but it is choke full of river history and lore. I just met Roger Pavey, an author who has published a novel based on the events of the Blackhawk war. Catlin's oil painting at Wickenburg, Arizona references these events also. Fascinating stuff. It is amazing that these industrial river cities have so much native american lore.