Sunday, June 23, 2019

Three 2019 Electric Vehicles That Will Change The Auto Industry

Our traditional gasoline-powered cars have always ran the automobile industry but it may not be the case for long. As new and stricter efficiency standards are being demanded to better combat climate change, we are finally seeing the rise of electric vehicles. In the past, electric vehicles have always been faced with problems and issues ranging from pricing issues, driving range and not enough available options or available charging stations. Yet as the 2018 year arrives, there will be three cars that will change the auto industry, making electric vehicles more available, more affordable and offering longer driving ranges. 1. Chevrolet Bolt EV - 2018 will be the first year where the Chevy Bolt is available nationwide. Chevy's first electric vehicle is one that will undoubtedly change the industry. The Bolt offers something that hasn't been accomplished by the other automakers trying to perfect the electric vehicle. The Bolt gives you a range of 238 miles on a single full charge, which is the leading range for all electric vehicles currently available. 37,000. Over 20,000 of these vehicles have already been sold or spoken for.

The low to mid price range as well as the highest available driving range will give Chevy heavy sales on the Bolt in 2018 and for years to come. 2. 2018 Nissan Leaf - Nissan's Leaf was first introduced back in 2010 as one of the first ever electric vehicles in the automobile industry. Since then it has undergone some massive upgrades and Nissan continues to do so and improve on. The 2018 Nissan Leaf will again be redesigned. 30,000. The Leaf will make a big impact in 2018 and years to come because of its price, making it more available and affordable to many middle class families. And as Nissan continues to work and improve their vehicle, the driving range will increase and the price will decrease. 3. Tesla Model 3 - Tesla has long been known for leading the electric vehicle industry and bringing it more into the spotlight as a whole. The Model 3 was originally supposed to be released in the late summer of 2017 but production delays have stalled the process. Roughly only 300 have been produced as of November.

Over 400,000 people have already paid deposits for Model 3s and they would be higher on our list but the delays have hurt the company. The Model 3 will have a range of 215 miles on a full charge which is second only to Chevy's Bolt. 35,000 keeping them right in tact with their competitors. Tesla will have no problem selling their electric vehicles however, as their name alone does most of the marketing for them. Production is what they have to focus on. While many argue that electric vehicles will stall and never take over the automobile industry, 2018 is proving to be a very hopeful year. Electric vehicles compared to gasoline-powered vehicles are also simpler mechanically, run cleaner and produce zero carbon emissions. Electric vehicles are now becoming readily available which will also result in more charging stations showing up throughout the United States. It will be exciting to follow their growth and improvements in the coming years. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.

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