Sunday, June 23, 2019

Suggestions For A Wormhole Daemons Workover

We could observe some weaknesses of the current Wormhole Daemon rules. Onepageanon stated that the rules are currently being reworked and suggestions from the community are welcome. So here is mine. This are mine thoughts, how I see the current rules. Very weak Anti-Air. No dedicated Anti Air at all. Only a few weapons that can really threaten an Aircraft. No Scout.& Bad board control. Scout rule is basically the counter to the Ambush rule. Let’s put aside that the Scout rule is actually broken because it has no one real trade off. Scout units can be placed on objectives first turn, while Ambush units may arrive at the beginning of the second turn. This makes Scout units able to take action first turn, while Ambush units sacrifice at least one activation. Also the army with units in ambush has less units at the table/battlefield in first round while all Scout units may be in firing range. Decent melee. Which is bad for a basically on melee oriented faction.

No balanced army build of just one faction possible. Maybe this is intended. Hard counter are Prime Battle Brothers. Great counter charge. Ability to punish your opponent for board control mistakes. But at the end of the day very situational. I would not build a strategy based on your opponent’s position mistakes. Some OP units. Like the Great Daemon of Change who has basically a fail save Laser gun shot per turn. Many of the spells have the same effect. Why all the color daemons? In 40k they make more sense as part of a special unit concept which is not present in GDF. Why not just keep one unit instead and give them upgrades? Btw. Upgrades do not have a solid impact. Again this is strictly my thoughts, yours may vary. This is how I feel the rules shall be for me to enjoy this faction. I see the concept of the Wormholes Daemons as “Havoc united”.

None of factions shall be able to field a balanced army. The factions are more like a toolkits each for its specific use. Each unit in each faction shall follow the intent of the faction. So building the army players might choose tools from toolkits to accomplish their armie’s intent. Also I will not give a direct suggestions like “a unit X shall have the weapon stats Y and the ability Z.” but more the general look and feel I the faction shall have. The daemons of war are extremely aggressive and rely on brute force. The daemons of change are extremely tough with a constantly regenerating form. The daemons of plague are putrid and have highly toxic weapons. Finally the daemons of lust are lightning fast and unleash flurries of deadly attacks. So let’s go through them. During the writing of the following I recognised that I was guided by the RPG role definition. A Tank, a DamageDealer, a Support and a Healer.

In a combat a Tank endures and tanks damage enhanced by Support and healed by a Healer. Damage Dealer inflicts damage indirect from behind the Tank enhanced the Support or direct supported by Healer. The Support can’t do anything on its own but can seriously enhance the abilities of others. The Healer is one who basically forms the base and is supposed to quickly react to the situation by supporting where the help is needed. So here I value the capability of the Healer to react fast to the situation. So let’s see how I imagine this concept for wormhole daemons. The daemons of war are extremely aggressive and rely on brute force. You know what brute force is? A freaking Laser Cannon is brute force! In RPG terms this faction is the Damage Dealer. While the Tank blocks the damage the Support buffs the Damage Dealer who inflict the damage. Everything that makes damage shall be gathered in this faction. Without help from other factions it is basically a glass cannon.

The daemons of change are extremely tough with a constantly regenerating form. That makes a perfect Tank. The units from this faction shall endure and block damage. This faction shall always be the first in the opponent's face. Blocking objectives, denying Ambush deploys, attacking in mele to provoke a counter attack. But without help from other factions unable to inflict damage or stay to long in fight with opposing force. The daemons of plague are putrid and have highly toxic weapons. This faction is the Support. It shall be to slow to react, to weak to fight, to squishy to endure. But it shall be a solid back liner. Support the Damage Dealer or the Tank by enhancing their abilities or by weaken the abilities of the opponent. At the same time securing the flanks from Ambush deploys. The daemons of lust are lightning fast and unleash flurries of deadly attacks. Fast reaction aka “Healer” (ok I admit that this term weems awkward here). Kamikaze attacks to remove high value supporting character from play. Counter attack the Scouts with VeryFast. Punishing the opponent for positioning mistakes.Counter charge everywhere when possible. The speed and the ability to be present on the board where its needed shall be the key of this faction.