Monday, August 10, 2020

Do I Miss Those Plaid Bell-bottoms?

Do I Miss Those Plaid Bell-bottoms?

Each decade has its contribution to history and a wealth of memories for those living at the time. Some have said that the '70s were a decade when nothing happened but in retrospect we know it's not true. Growing up in the '70s was different from growing up in another generation. The newsworthy events, the music, the movies, the fashion, the fads, and everything about this decade was unique and distinct. Our nostalgic look back starts with the news. In the early 1970s, the US was still involved in Vietnam. Troops were sent into Cambodia to attack military bases and Ho Chi Minh was bombed. Footage of the bloodshed was aired routinely on the evening news. Anti-war riots continued on college campuses and four students were shot dead at Kent State University. US involvement in the war ended in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in 1973 as Henry Kissinger worked with North Vietnamese negotiators. In the US, Richard Nixon was President as the decade began but by 1974 he resigned in the midst of the Watergate scandal in which he was potentially facing impeachment for his role in the break-in and cover-up.

For the first time in history, the new president, Gerald Ford was not elected, as he had been appointed Vice President when Spiro Agnew left that office under fire for tax evasion. The 1972 Olympics held in Munich, Germany were marred when terrorists took Israeli athletes hostage. Two were killed immediately and the other nine died during a failed rescue attempt. An Arab oil embargo caused lifestyle changes in 1973 and beyond; from rationing of fuel to further limiting speeds on highways. In 1976, the US celebrated its bicentennial year. Space exploration continued to advance. In 1976, "Viking" was the first spacecraft to land on Mars. It provided over 52,000 photographs of that planet. The Space Shuttle, a next-generation spacecraft, was introduced in 1977 as it made its initial test flights. In 1978, Louise Brown became the first "Test Tube Baby" as Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards implanted a previously fertilized egg into the uterus of her mother. With facilitation by Jimmy Carter, Egypt's Anwar Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin worked through the Camp David accord to improve official relations between their countries. Famine was rampant in Ethiopia throughout the '70s and hit Bangladesh as well.

Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania saw a nuclear accident in 1979 but large-scale radiation leakage was averted. AIDS had not yet been identified although health organizations and physicians were surely seeing the first cases. Personal computers were just entering the market in the latter half of the 1970s but Microsoft hadn't yet developed MS-DOS and Bill Gates was a young pup just starting his business. The internet wasn't around. The first Space Shuttle had yet to make its maiden voyage but it had been conceived, designed, and was being readied for its first flight. Although the hit series MASH was set during the Korean War, it is generally considered to be a statement regarding the US involvement in Vietnam. It was based on a popular movie, ran for an impressive 11 years, and continues to this day in reruns. All in the Family was another popular series and focused on social issues including race and other more controversial topics of the time. Happy Days was a more lighthearted offering.

Set in the 1950s, it's wholesome image was part of its appeal. Disneyland Records. Also, the mini arcade games. Such as, Pacman and Astroids. We sure have come a loooong way from the Atari games. But back then, they were actually fun and challenging. I love the music from the decade as my blog on 70s songs shows. What a fun look back in time! Yep, I was a child of the 70's and enjoyed this trip down memory lane and even learned a few things about the world I grew up in. Brilliant job on this lens! I was born in 1978. Does that count? This has been a pleasant walk down memory lane. Love the lens and the days gone by! The 70's were my university days, so I remember them well and my favourite music is still from those days. Thanks for the smiles! I was still pretty young but a lot of memories here.

What I mostly remember about the seventies were a lot of brown and orange. Thanks for the memories! I remember those days! I was a teen in the late 70's and I was probably more focussed on what was going on in my my immediate surroundings, and noticing girls of course. I know all those other things did happen though. I was a child of the 80's but this lens is GREAT! Thanks for the insight! What a comprehensive lens this is. Quite a resource for all that the 70s were about. Welcome to Totally Awesome Lenses Group. You did such a great job taking us back to the "good old days". I had so much fun reminiscing. You did a great job collecting all the data! Really great lens. This is my era. Great lens, great memories! I have lensrolled to my Blockbuster! British Glam Rock of the 70s lens.